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We’re thrilled to recount the unforgettable experience we had during the total solar eclipse. Hosting the event in The Open Field, we kicked off our celestial tunes with Pink Floyd’s iconic album “The Dark Side of the Moon,” aiming to sync the poignant lyrics with the eclipse’s peak moment. During totality, we transitioned seamlessly from Pink Floyd to David Bowie’s “Starman.” This actually felt cosmic. We followed Bowie with Bonnie Tyler’s legendary “Total Eclipse of the Heart” and Nick Drake’s haunting “Pink Moon.” The feedback we received later affirmed our playlist set a nice backdrop for this cosmic show.

We also incorporated selections from the Community Foundation of Grant County’s Space playlist, including Jerry Garcia’s rendition of “Dear Prudence” and other space-themed tracks. You can follow them on Spotify @GiveToGrant.

Of course, we also had to include tracks from the iconic Golden Record—a time capsule launched aboard Voyager 1 and 2, containing sounds and images representing life on Earth. As Carl Sagan famously remarked, “The launching of this bottle into the cosmic ocean says something very hopeful about life on this planet.” Curated by Sagan and his team at Cornell University, the Golden Record comprises 115 images and a diverse array of natural sounds, along with musical selections from various cultures and eras. Encoded in analog form and encased in protective aluminum jackets, the record serves as a poignant testament to humanity’s cultural and natural diversity, offering a snapshot of our world for potential extraterrestrial encounters.

To elevate the event’s energy, we enlisted the local indie rock band Stay Outside, enhancing the sense of camaraderie and togetherness among attendees. While we provided ample firewood and snacks for late-night conversations, the realities of a weekday workday prompted many to depart early. Nevertheless, the event fostered a profound sense of interconnectedness under the same sky, reminding us of the beauty of shared experiences. As we reflected on the night, we couldn’t help but echo Carl Sagan’s sentiment about the hopeful message of the Golden Record, underscoring the universal language of music in uniting people and fostering curiosity about the cosmos.

Indeed, we’re all under the same sky, and perhaps some of us were even listening to the same tunes.

Listen to the Total Solar Eclipse at The Open Field playlist on Spotify by DJ RoLo.